Monday, November 22, 2010

Being a real adult!

Yesterday Jon and I went through 10 boxes of my sentimental crap that I've been lugging around for 20 years. I got it down to two rubbermaid containers. Then we took all of our cardboard to the recycling center and our old electronics to Best Buy to be recycled. I felt like such a good citizen! THEN we bought a new desk and stayed up until 11 trying to put it together. I hung in there until page 9 of 22 pages of instructions. That was when we decided to set it up and there was this horrible splintering sound and Jon started freaking out about how it was TOTALLY BROKEN FOREVER. I showed him that two chunks of wood came off the bottom pieces and it would be fine. Then I bailed. Apparently he didn't get much further because I came downstairs this morning and there are still 25 different desk parts on the floor. Maybe we can finish it up tonight. Next weekend: the junk room get organized.


  1. I'm proud of you! We have been cleaning out the basement. It is like an episode of hoarders without any dead animal or feces. I don't think Jimmy has gotten rid of a box in eight years.
